Green Party of New Orleans July Meeting

We have several important items to discuss at our next local meeting.

  1. Aniki Ofori just got back from the Green Party Annual National Meeting. She'll make a report at our meeting. Read her account on our website
  2. Qualifying just ended for our upcoming municipal elections, and we have one Green running for local office. Meet Danil Faust at our meeting and learn about his campaign for Clerk of Criminal District Court.
  3. Thanks to the efforts of a group of committed volunteers, we have a draft of bylaws for our local chapter. Please take a moment to review the draft. There's also a sample consensus-seeking policy which we may adapt and adopt.
  4. We've recently been contacted by the Ohio Green Party Youth Caucus & Summit County Greens who have challenged us to host a #GreenEnter event. You can read Kenny Sanders' plea on our contact page

Please come prepared for a focused, productive and educational meeting Monday evening.

July 24, 2017 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Mid-City Branch Library
4140 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70119
United States
Google map and directions
Bart Everson · · 5045205164
Sally Stevens Greg Young Barton Everson Anika Ofori David Monconduit Matt Schoenberger

Who's RSVPing

Sally Stevens
Greg Young
Barton Everson
Anika Ofori
David Monconduit
Matt Schoenberger

Will you come?