About the Green Party of Louisiana

The Green Party supports and leads community organizing—as well as running candidates statewide to fight for better wages, a cleaner environment, and healthcare for all.

"Our overall goal is not merely to survive, but to share lives that are truly worth living. We believe the quality of our individual lives is enriched by the quality of all of our lives. We encourage everyone to see the dignity and intrinsic worth in all of life, and to take the time to understand and appreciate themselves, their community, and the magnificent beauty of this world."

Coordinating Committee

  • Naima Gayles (Co-Chair and National Committee Delegate Alternate)
  • John Krause (Co-Chair and National Committee Delegate)
  • Eliot Baron (Treasurer)



These are 5 articles that define: Name Purpose & Membership, Party Organization, State Convention/Nominations, Affiliation, and Amendments.


Our platform overview on key issues.

Ten Key Values

Read about our Ten Key Values: Respect for Diversity, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Feminism, Community Based Economics, Decentralization, Ecological Wisdom, Non-Violence, Personal and Global Responsibility, and Future Focus.