New Orleans Green Party Endorses Climate March
On March 17, 2017, the Green Party of the United States endorsed two upcoming marches in Washington, D.C. for climate justice: the first one on April 22, 2017, the March for Science, and the People's Climate Movement March for Climate, Jobs and Justice on April 29, 2017. Citizens from all around the country will be meeting in Washington, D.C. or marching in cities across the country. Here in New Orleans, Louisiana, the Green Party of New Orleans will be marching with local activists in the People's Climate March on NOLA on April 29.
Read moreNew Orleans Green Party issues voting advice for April runoff election
The Green Party of New Orleans (NOLA Greens) has prepared voting advice for the April 29, 2017, run-off election. Our voting advice is based on how closely each candidate's perspective aligned with Green Party values, most notably the party's commitment to social justice.
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Green Party of New Orleans Charter
We are an alliance of people in the greater New Orleans area working to give electoral expression to the basic values of the Green movement at the local, regional and global level.
We support the Ten Key Values of the Green Party: community-based economics, decentralization, ecological wisdom, feminism, future focus, global responsibility, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, respect for diversity (anti-racism), and social justice.
Given our precarious environmental position and the history of injustice in our city, we wholeheartedly commit ourselves to the service of movements which aim to create a society that is just, free, democratic and ecologically sustainable.
We enthusiastically welcome all people from every race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social and economic status, religious and spiritual tradition, and having whatever particular abilities and disabilities.
Participation is open to those who support the Ten Key Values of the Green Party. Members may not be registered (to vote) with any other political party in the state of Louisiana. Additional membership requirements, as well as procedures for registration, deactivation or revocation of membership, may be specified in our bylaws.
The membership has final authority on all decisions.
This charter is the foundational document which articulates our basic purpose and values. Detailed rules may be further specified by the adoption of other documents, such as bylaws, as needed.
Adopted November 2016