Green Party of New Orleans meeting notes
Present: Bart Everson, Gary Gordon, Jane Tardo, Kevin Fitzwilliam, Ryan Hargis, Cindy Barrilleaux, Miranda Murray, Anika Ofori, Bryan Callaway
- While upcoming events are too numerous to list, Jane invited Greens to participate in the Mobilize New Orleans meeting this Sunday, 27 November (and possibly recurring every Sunday) at 6PM at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans, 2903 Jefferson Avenue. More info at or on Facebook.
- Miranda gave a report on the Stein-Baraka campaign. Miranda thanked the volunteers who helped with the campaign. $90 in donations (to the state party) are on hand. Statewide Stein-Baraka got 14,018 votes. At 0.7%, this is double the Green vote in the previous presidential cycle. It was also noted that Eliot S. Barron received 6% of the vote in the 1st congressional district.
- We adopted the charter by voice vote. The vote was not quite unanimous, as Frances dissented, feeling the charter needs more work, in particular an expanded discussion of each of the ten key values listed. The charter is now on our website.
- David Bryan was empowered (in absentia) as chair of a December voting advice committee, charged with preparing and disseminating voting advice for the December ballot. Members expressed appreciation for David’s work on the November advice. The advice is now on our website.
- We engaged in a strategic planning session led by Miranda.