The Green Party of New Orleans (NOLA Greens) has prepared voting advice for the April 29, 2017, run-off election. Our voting advice is based on how closely each candidate's perspective aligned with Green Party values, most notably the party's commitment to social justice.
The NOLA Greens appreciate several aspects of Ms. Montero's background. Ms. Montero has made a career as a plaintiff's attorney, representing injured parties, including everyday people she calls “the voiceless and the vulnerable,” seeking redress of grievances. She has tried cases in Civil District Court, Division B and demonstrated a thorough understanding of the court's mechanics. Ms. Montero recognizes that individuals' economic means may affect the justice they receive and, in her campaign, has brought up opportunities for litigants to minimize their expenses. She advocates making court materials available in Spanish and Vietnamese. She also recognizes LGBTQ rights.
The NOLA Greens advise vote Suzy Montero for Judge, Civil District Court, Division B.
Note: We do not endorse candidates from other parties, but we do issue voting advice each time we go to the polls.
For more information, contact Bart Everson at (504)520-0818.