Armed with flyers, smiles and walking shoes, we are going to canvass down Bourbon St. Many people don't know who Dr.Jill Stein is. Many who know her have misinformation. We will hit the streets doing what we can to inform the public by giving locals and tourists alike information they can take and read. Let's show them that the Green Party is here, we are the community, just like them, we are in this together and it is in our hands.
Our main objective will be to hand out flyers to people who know what they are being handed and who express that they want one. Greet each person, asking them if they are interested in taking an information flyer about the policies of Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka. If a person engages positively, get them to sign the mailing list and give them a bumper sticker! If anyone responds negatively, respect their right to give their opinion while you're walking away from them. (This isn't rude on Bourbon St, it is survival). A lot of people will just politely say no and we'll politely move on.
Our route will start around Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop, headed towards Canal St. We will stay together for two reasons 1.Safety 2.So we don't bug people by multiple people asking them the same question. (Please don't bug people, one time is enough to ask someone to take a flyer.) At Canal we will pause to regroup then make our way to Royal St. back to Lafitte's. The route down Royal will hopefully enable everyone to escort each other back to their cars/transportation safely.
Some specifics of this event may evolve so, check this event page in case of last minute changes. Please RSVP seriously, arrive on time to get materials and please read the canvassing tips.
Miranda Murray
[email protected]
504-906-1120 (call if urgent, text for short response)
P.S. This event is NOT family friendly. Let me know if you want to help me organize a family friendly canvassing event in the future.